Saturday, June 21, 2014


Hi there! This blog is designed to help all of us, but me especially, remember that yesterday is buried with the bones of my old cat under the tree in the front the yard of where my parents live.  Today is all I have yes, the past can hurt and often I go to that tree and try to dig up the past and only find fragments of scarce memories which are excavated through the hard and weed covered earth.  Holding tightly  to these fragments I label them as pure truth and then get stuck in the dirt and the muck instead of brushing myself off and living for today. Some say all I have to do is let go, let it be, choose today.  Is it really that easy? It can be I guess..I have learned choice is a powerful thing that is as easy as choosing chocolate or vanilla... personally I'd like to choose between rocky road and cake batter frozen yogurt (although that just made my choice much harder!) it's still just a choice. Every day we make thousands of them without even conscientiously thinking about them, until the really bad ones come back to bite, and bite hard! But is there a lesson in yesterday that makes us stronger and better today? History sometimes repeats itself for many reasons.  I think those reasons are mostly to teach us to finally get it right.

Take a walk with me as I dig through yesterday and see how it is all part of a major God designed plan for today, and though choices were made that took me to another path, opportunities were opened for me to be better and stronger than I was before, bringing me to a richer today.

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